CI4:version 4.4.3 compatible paging example

CI4:version 4.4.3 compatible paging example

DAY-3 various code fixes, critical error

DAY-3 various code fixes, critical error

Various fixes to apply causing a critical error
DAY-2 Source code fix  upload_logo

DAY-2 Source code fix upload_logo

proposal for ci4 upgrade code to a stable version, manage upload_logo // IN /root/app/Controllers/Config.php
 DAY-1 Source code fix remove_logo

DAY-1 Source code fix remove_logo

proposal for ci4 upgrade code to a stable version, manage remove_logo // IN /root/app/Controllers/Config.php


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update NodCms v3.4.1  to  v3.4.1c

update NodCms v3.4.1 to v3.4.1c

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